- The ectrical sytemadopts Siemens stemwithofultouch scemuti-anguage and 80sets.of shoe shaped memorystorage.
-Theunseslnjeter precise glue quanity ,canbe apledmost shoes toes: pointed, round or square toes.
-Theinnersupportcanbe second setionandTherising position and speed canbe programmed.
-Thefive pointhydrauli Tententencnenanuifent pessres and make telastingines more slidi
-cickissembl and smbl the frst tree pncer, adrepacement onlyafewseconds
-0pen.close. plldownandd side of pincer canbe programmed.
- Pincer plate contour zomand angle aiusmenetdesign.Theh second and tirdsets ofpincer canbe rtartedto adjust the poitinof piner plate acording to thewidthof
dfferent shoe sape.saving times to adjusting the arangementof pincer duringshe lstreplacement andensuringhe fit betweenshthe uper camping and shoee last shape.
-Teresingheadis secially dsigned for scnarypressns andprogrammabledesign. whichgreaty improves the presgifet.
- wiper stroke canbe programmed. Sissors cnfigred sMeeper canremove ecessleatherer whenmakingpoint shape shoes
- Automatic ienticationoflft anighteetaend size codes.
- Nine pincercanbe opened independently.