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Old shoes market welcomes new market
From: Guangzhou Rocmachine Co., Ltd Post date: 2019-12-24

Recently, Zhejiang Anbaole, a non-slip shoe company with middle-aged and elderly people as the main user group, received a 30 million yuan A round of financing from Zheshang Venture Capital, which has attracted attention from the industry.

Established in January 2018, Anbaole is a high-tech anti-slip material technology research and development and transformation technology company, the main products are anti-slip elderly shoes, the company has obtained Round financing.

Behind the many financings of Anbaole is that the capital is optimistic about the market segment of the pension industry.

"Silver hair economy" quietly arrived

Data from the National Bureau of Statistics show that as of the end of 2018, the total population of mainland China was 1,139.58 million, of which 244.9 million were 60 years of age and over, accounting for 17.9% of the total population.

According to public data, the number of companies producing and selling elderly shoes has soared from more than 1,700 in 2014 to more than 3,500 in 2018.

The other side of the fierce competition in the elderly shoe market is the lack of market supervision.

Earlier, the Yangtze River Delta Consumers' Committee had conducted a comparative test on the quality of "senior shoes". Of the 80 batches of samples purchased in this comparative test, 54 were collected from online e-commerce platforms, 16 were collected from physical stores, and 10 were purchased from TV shopping. The results showed that nearly half of the "elderly shoes" did not meet the standards. Some products have poor support and shock absorption performance, and the elderly not only have no health care function, they even have hidden dangers.

It is worth noting that because there has not been an industry standard for elderly shoes before, in this comparative test, the testing agency adopted the "Children's Leather Shoes" standard officially implemented in 2017 to evaluate the outsole hardness of elderly shoes.

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Our main products: shoe factory assembly line, three-dimensional assembly line, nail heel machine, heel setting machine, whole shoe manufacturing equipment, front lasting machine, back lasting machine, peeling machine, Italian shoe machine, Desilong shoe machine

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